2 DIY to decorate and order back to school

DIY to decorate

2 DIY to decorate and order back to school

They have already started classes and backpacks are loaded with cases and pencils. Surely you have conditioned a place dedicated to the study at home but just in case you need some extra thought, today I want to show you two crafts really cool to decorate your home and also maintain order in that space where your kids get to do your homework. If you created your desk with retro style you can not miss these new DIY today. Let’s do it!

Wall hooks

We started with an idea of the blog Design Improvised which I loved because it is very practical and at the same time, very decorative. It is custom wall hooks that you can create for your children hang on them their equipment , clothing or any accessory that needs to be ordered.

DIY to decorate
Image Source: Google Image

The materials you need

To do this you need:

  • Colorful stickers with different geometric shapes. Do you remember the gomets when we were little? Because of that style. Those who have used here are foam, somewhat thicker.
  • Stickers of colorful letters.
  • Acrylic craft paint.
  • A brush.
  • Circles of cork or plywood.
  • Wooden cylinders. This ends in a ball and are very good.

How do these wall hooks

First, painted white circles; you can give a couple of layers following the manufacturer’s instructions regarding drying time. Next, place the stickers combining the colors you prefer and making the design you like. To customize the hook, type the name of your children and even yours own for everyone to know where to hang your stuff.

Screw your creation to the wall so that it is securely attached if you put something that weighs a bit, but the less weight you get, the better. This idea can also be used in class to design a hanger for each student and may even be children themselves who make it.

DIY to decorate
Image Source: Google Image

Another DIY for Back to School: Bookends + pencil + pot

Would you like to make a craft 3 x 1? It is proposed from the blog I Spy DIY with this DIY thanks to which you can have a bookend, a pencil and a small pot for your plants with the same creation. You could even say it’s a 4 × 1, because we add a board to always keep an eye on your most important notes.

You may also like to read another article on BixiDeco: DIY special Back to School, new desk for your home

To do need:

  • A container for toothbrushes with two goblets together.
  • Coasters cork.
  • Glue.
  • A small succulent.
  • White gravel.

The craft, step by step

The first thing you do is stick the cork coasters on the back and front of the vessel. On one side stands the succulent, with some white gravel on the basis for weighing more. On the other you can put your pencils, pens and markers. If either side of your books will keep in order your desk, while decorated. Is not that great?

DIY to decorate
Image Source: Google Image

Bonus track

As usual, I leave you with a bonus track. It is very simple to decorate pencils and customize them to the fullest. Just take that boring pencil that everyone has an equal and wrap it with tape color and pattern you prefer. It will be something unique! This will also you can do with your pencil or your notebooks caps, thus achieving different from other material. Choose your favorite colors or a picture you like and you’ll see how simple and quick as you give new life to your study utensils.

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