Ideas and tips for decorating a fireplace
The fireplaces are for the winter but throughout the year can, and indeed should, be furnished as an essential part of the room or stay where they are located. Although not give off heat in the summer months, become a fundamental part of the interior of your home, since they are often the focal point and, therefore, it is important to pay attention to your decor.
Today we will review several ideas for your fireplace seen in a unique way that is not boring but showing part of your personality in this space dedicated to relaxation. Some of them alone are already very decorative but if it is not the case, these proposals will achieve a special touch to yours.
One of the most common ways to decorate a fireplace is drawing on the top shelf that usually have most of them. Here there is freedom of choice, although our recommendation goes through recharge excess space. You can put any figure, a picture frame, a sheet resting on the shelf, a pretty stones, candles or flowers.
Another way to give much prominence to the area of the chimney is placing a mirror on it. It will be great if you have a large size and a broad framework for monopolizes all eyes.
The alternative to mirror is a picture, too large, above the fireplace. You can choose to hang it on the wall or support it on the shelf, which is also very decorative and beautiful. If you hang do not put too high, otherwise not be able to enjoy the beauty of the image.
Small squares of different sizes
You can also place multiple pictures or photographs smaller rather than a huge picture or mirror. Put them in different sizes to create dynamic, with frames in this case finer and not as flashy, to design a composition in which the images are the protagonists. As I said before, you can hang them on the wall above the fireplace is supported or leave.
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Fireplaces decorated interior
One idea that I really like is what is to harness the hollow of the fireplace to design a nice decoration. This is very useful if your home has a fireplace but never turn on you, or if you hire only in winter and, after cleaning it well, you decide to give a decorative use for the rest of the year. You can put books, some wooden logs, a figure, a decorative stones, candles, an old suitcase, a wicker basket … The truth is that is very original and give life to a space that maybe you’re not taking full advantage and you have wasted.
Although you have in the fireplace fire, candles on the mantelpiece help give movement to your decor. If you place a number of different heights eyes will head up the chimney and visually look bigger.
Flowers and plants
Another way to add motion to this place is through the use of plants or flowers. You can put a bouquet of wild flowers, a plant without flower or a loose flower with a long stem. It will also serve to bring color and joy to your decor.
Special events
There is no doubt that Christmas is the season of choice for decorating fireplaces. It is the place where Santa Claus will come to visit us and we dress for the occasion. Place a decorative wreaths and socks hanging from the ledge so that everyone knows where to look for their gifts.
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