How to Choose Outdoor Veranda Lights

outdoor veranda lights

How to Choose Outdoor Veranda Lights

When you have a veranda, you often run into doubt as to what the right method of lighting to install is. The type of lighting to be considered for your veranda varies, especially depending on whether it is open or closed and, therefore, more or less subject to external agents such as rain, water, fog and wind, or which has a minimum of protection. For example with windows and sliding doors. Continue reading to find out how to choose outdoor veranda lights.

How to choose outdoor veranda lights?

You will need:

  • LED strips with IP65 / 6 protection rating
  • LED strips with IP20 protection degree
  • Fixed spotlights
  • Adjustable spotlights
  • LED wall light
  • Floor lamps
  • Outdoor ceiling lights
  • Solar cell lamps

outdoor veranda lights

Open veranda

If you have an open veranda, you can use comfortable and bright LED strips with IP65 / 6 protection rating, specifically designed to illuminate outdoor spaces and, therefore, they are long-lasting even to the most impetuous atmospheric agents. They are easy to place, read, do not take up too much space and are energy efficient. An alternative to LEDs are fixed or adjustable spotlights: in the first case, it will be essential to carefully study where to position them to be sure of obtaining adequate and well-diffused lighting, while in the second case you are freer to play with light to recreate fascinating optical effects. Also, in this case, it will be good to opt for spotlights that guarantee high resistance to atmospheric factors.

Closed veranda

If, on the other hand, you have a closed and protected veranda, the solutions to be applied are extended. Even in this circumstance, it is possible to place LED strips (being careful to choose a lower degree of protection, such as IP20) and fixed or adjustable spotlights, but we are also allowed to indulge ourselves by using LED wall lights, floor lamps or outdoor ceiling lights. In short, it is possible to reason as if we were in a real home interior environment.

Wooden veranda

The wooden veranda is the symbol of the verandas themselves. Its grace and conformation lead to the use of lighting strips that follow the same directional lines as the structure and which give an optical effect of pure magic. This atmosphere, so important when it comes to the veranda, is naturally given by the lighting with LED lights, since the most recent models do not present heat dissipation and offer a sweet, warm and clear light, without any exaggeration. The wooden veranda will thus be enhanced, managing to bring optimal and pleasant lighting.

Solar veranda

For those who are more attentive to ecology and intend to exploit solar energy, it is also possible to install solar cell lamps, which, by means of small photovoltaic panels, during the day have the ability to accumulate energy, which is then broadcast in the evening. This is the ideal solution for those who, in addition to being sensitive to the environment, also want to save on their bills at the end of the month, significantly reducing costs.

IP65 LED strips are lights capable of resisting water and dust. The IP68 LED strips, with the highest degree of protection, also have the ability to withstand short periods of immersion. Choose a voltage between 12 or 24 V.

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