How to create the hygge feel at home

How to create the hygge feel at home

Hygge is a Danish idea that stems from the 18th century, but it continues to be a very popular modern phenomenon. Integral to many Danish interior designs, it is pronounced ‘heurgha’ and is all about promoting wellness and happiness.

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Think candle-lit and cosy, serene and simple, and you won’t be far off the mark. If this sounds appealing, let’s take a look at how you could bring hygge into your own home.

Keep it simple

Hygge is all about creating a peaceful, serene space. Therefore, clutter and loud colours are shunned in favour of monochrome designs in subtle combinations of harmonious tones.

Light it up

More candles are lit per head in Denmark than in any other European country, and a hygge look is best bathed in warm candlelight. Candles can help to create an inviting atmosphere, but steer clear of coloured and scented candles as these would go against the purist ideals of hygge. Learn more about the phenomenon of hygge here.

Stay in bed

If you love your bed, then you’ll like hygge as it encourages the idea of breakfast in bed or an afternoon nap. Make sure that your bed is ready for the extra use by creating a cosy sleep space with plenty of different layers.

Don’t be afraid to pile on quilts, pillows, and blankets for the utmost in indulgence. Shop hygge style or look to see the latest collection of crochet kits and make your own.

Take a seat

On the subject of crochet kits, these could also come in handy if you decide to follow another hygge idea – creating a snug or ‘hyggekrog’. This is a nook that you can retreat to, such as the ideal of a window seat looking out on nature. Add a blanket and cushions and get ready to relax.

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Burning ambitions

Strive for a real hygge feel by introducing an open fire. Joining friends and family around a blazing fire is a very Danish tradition, and a wood-burning stove could work beautifully when it comes to creating your own hygge home.