Asters – A Flower For Beginning Gardeners And Not Only
Beginners should plant their asters in their garden. The plant has beautiful inflorescences, unpretentious. It’s enough just to look after him. Pleasure with its flowering will be until the cold.
Selecting a landing site for asters
- An excellent place for planting flowers will be open sunny space, protected from the wind.
- Strong heat and drought adversely affect plants and can lead to loss of decorativeness.
- Penumbra, a good place for asters.
- Do not like flowers of dampness and the proximity of groundwater.
- Beneficial predecessors on the ground are calendula, perennial grasses, tagetes, marigolds, marigolds.
- The site can be used for 6 years. Return to its original place preferably in 4 years.
- To prevent the disease aster, the site should not be in the neighborhood with tulips, gladioli, carnations, tomatoes, potatoes, coniferous trees.
- It is necessary to provide an easy and fertile land.
- It is prepared in the autumn. It is worth to add to the soil ammonium sulfate, potassium salt, and superphosphate.
- The earth is dug up and a mixture of river sand with peat or humus is added. Then the earth will be breathable, fertile and drained.
You should choose a land with neutral acidity.
The introduction of humus in the spring can cause fungal disease of the flower.
How to grow seedlings?
- Seeds are wrapped in cloth and soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 10 hours.
- Then, the liquid is squeezed out and the seeds are placed in a cellophane bag for germination for a week in a warm place.
- The seeding period may fall on the first ten days of April. The variety is of importance here. Since there are early varieties that blossom on day 90 after emergence, the average variety is 110, late – 130.
- Containers or pots are prepared.
- The soil should be spilled with a fungicide.
- Sprouted seeds are planted in cooked hollows, and cover with a 5 mm layer of sand.
- A weak solution of potassium permanganate is prepared and poured through a sieve over the sand.
- Containers are covered with a film and sent to a warm place with a temperature of 22 degrees Celsius.
- Last year’s seeds give seedlings for 4 days.
- As soon as the seedlings have germinated, they should be sent to a cool bright place, and the film is removed. It will be enough 16ºС.
- When 4 leaves appear, a pick is made.
- Seedlings are planted at intervals of 6 cm.
- Roots are necessarily shortened, and ash is added to the soil. This is done to prevent the disease of the “blackleg”.
- Watering to produce a moderate.
When to plant?
- On day 7 after the picking, the seedlings are fed with complex fertilizers. Top dressing continues until the landing in the soil with a periodicity of 7 days.
- Seedlings should be gradually tempered. To do this, it is taken out to the street, for 15 minutes, every day the time increases, bringing the walk to 5 hours. Hardening will help the seedlings to settle down well.
- Once the seedlings have reached 10 cm in height and will have 8 leaves on the stem, they are ready for planting into the ground.
- Usually, this is the second decade of May. Or a month old from the time of sowing. Astra cold-resistant plant and lowering the temperature to 3 ° C is not scary. Keep reading
How to plant?
- In the spring, the prepared area is again digested and added to each square meter of 20 grams of sulfur ammonium and potassium salt, 40 g superphosphate.
- Planting to produce in the evening.
- Earth align and make grooves at 6 cm deep, pre-moisturize.
- Saplings should be placed 20 cm apart and 50 between grooves.
- Sprinkle with the soil without watering.
- After 7 days, feed up with nitrogen fertilizers and treat the drug against diseases.
- After 3 weeks, repeat the procedure with fertilizers.
There are 2 methods of growing asters.
Bezrossadny. In the first decade of March, early varieties are sown. The earth must warm up. The flowering of plants begins in July. In the last decade of April, the cultivation of later varieties falls at a temperature of at least 10 degrees Celsius. Planted seeds should be poured and covered with soil or coating material before emergence. Such a coating protects the seedlings from frost.
Seeds can be planted in the autumn. For this purpose, beds with grooves are prepared. As soon as the ground is slightly frozen, seeds are sown and the earth is covered. Flowers with this method of growing are less exposed to the disease, more hardy and strong.
Seated. In the third decade of March, the seeds are planted in a greenhouse or in containers. Soil can be used universal or peat, which is purchased in the store.
Seeds should be chosen high quality. A good germination is possessed by seeds harvested from last year. Every year this percentage decreases.
If you collect the seeds yourself, this will be the key to good flowering. It is only necessary to wait for the withering of the varieties you like and the formation of a cannon in the center of the bud. This will be a signal to collect inflorescences. They are sent to a dry place where they dry completely.
Step-by-step instruction
Seedbed method:
- The soil is placed in containers or in pots.
- Grooves are prepared to a depth of 5 mm and are watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
- Seed seeds and prisypaemsya humus. Only it must first be sifted.
- Gently pour the solution with potassium permanganate (pale pink).
- Containers are covered with a film and sent to a warm place (20 ° C).
- When emergence of sprouts, the package must be removed and the seedlings exposed to the light spot.
- Do not water until the appearance of leaflets.
- Further, the seedlings are dived. For example, for this period they are very stretched, then you need to seat them in the ground to the very leaves.
- On day 7 after diving, the seedlings are fed. Complex fertilizers are used for this purpose.
- In early May, the seedlings are planted in the soil.
Bezrossadny way:
- Seeds are planted in the soil, they are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil (5 mm) and covered with cellophane film.
- Further, grooves are watered. Suppose, at this point, dry weather, then you need to do mulching. It can be peat or mown grass.
- When young seedlings appear, the film is removed and covered only in the case of frost.
- As soon as two leaves on the stem appear, they should be discharged at a distance of 14 cm from each other.
- Periodically produce loosening of the soil and weed from weeds. This procedure is done after rain and watering.
- Watering to produce at a depth of 5 cm. Asters do not like abundant or insufficient watering. For example, in hot and dry weather should be watered less often, but more profuse. The norm is 1 sq. M. meter 3 buckets of liquid.
- The growth of the stem is carried out before branching to a height of 7 cm. This is done for the rapid growth of the roots.
- Be sure to feed plants with mineral fertilizers.
- Buds, which have faded in time to remove.
Fundamental rules
- Asters do not like excessive moisture since it is considered resistant to drought. However, in a dry summer, it is watered abundantly.
- Lush flowering depends on water at the moment when buds are fastened.
- Fertile soil, irrigation, and periodic top dressing make it possible to blossom the asters to the frosts.
- For the prevention of disease should be done spraying plants. Solutions for such purposes should contain microelements: boric acid, ammonium, copper, cobalt, zinc, potassium permanganate.
- Beautiful asters on the 7th day after the plant are planted, the following composition is done: 50 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potassium sulfate and 20 g of ammonium nitrate per one square meter.
- As soon as the buds appeared, the composition was used: in equal parts superphosphate and potassium sulfate (50 g) per square meter.
- Next time to fertilize an Astra is necessary for the period of flowering. Use the previous composition.
- In the autumn, before digging up the soil, it is necessary to add humus to 4 kg or compost. Fertilizer is calculated per 1 sq. Km. meter or for more accurate dosage is made for agrochemical soil analysis.
- Before planting, the site is treated with nitrogen fertilizers: 15 g of potassium salt, 15 g of ammonium sulfate, 40 g of superphosphate.
- Fertilizers are introduced in various ways: dry or dissolved in water.
If the soil is poor, organic fertilizers can be used. It can be a chicken litter with a dosage of 1:20.
Pests and diseases
- Fusarium. This incurable disease is found most often in flowers. It causes fusarium. Signs of the disease are yellowing and wilting of an adult plant. While there are no methods to combat this disease, but as soon as the first symptoms appear, the plant must be torn out and burned. It is also worth remembering that you can return to the old field no earlier than 4 years. This is a warning against this disease.
- The black leg is a fungal disease. Symptoms: the stalk, the root rot, and the seedling blacken. Acidic soil is considered favorable for the causative agents of this disease. The diseased plants are removed and the soil is disinfected. Prepared 1% solution of potassium permanganate, after spraying the ground around the flower is sprinkled with sand.
- Symptoms: on the leaflets, there are swellings with spores, then they dry up. Disputes arise from coniferous plants, so you need to protect them from such a neighborhood. For preventive purposes, the flower is sprayed with a Bordeaux liquid. If rust occurs, repeat the procedure on a weekly basis.
- Jaundice is a viral disease. Symptoms: leaves become light, which leads to chlorosis of the plant. Buds become a greenish shade, and growth is suppressed. Its transducers are cicada and aphids. From pests get rid of with insecticides. The affected areas are seized and burned.
- Powdery mildew. Symptoms: a white scarf on the leaves, then the stalk is affected. Timely intervention can save the flower. Prepare the solution: 3 g of soda per liter of liquid. Heal all the bushes, remove the affected areas.
Keep Reading: Flower Garden From Edible Flowers
- The meadow bug. Adult individuals have a dark green color. Bedbugs and their larvae cause deformation of leaflets since they feed on their juice.
- Slobbering a penny. You can get rid of it with a solution of carbofos.
- Tilled Slug. It can be collected mechanically or with maltadehyde.
- Ushovietka ordinary. Insects nibble on leaves and damage flowers and shoots. The plant should be sprayed with a foundation.
- Scoop. The asters are sprayed with phosphamide.
- Spider mite. To combat it, pyrethrum is used.
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