The rise and rise of the clean energy economy
A whole new world of renewable energy is opening up to us in the form of solar power. In the future, our entire energy supplies could be met by solar power alone. In Europe, Africa and Australia, there are important emerging markets for solar-powered energy for use on urban rooftops.
The way of the future is solar
Solar panels are currently used where they can generate the most energy on sunny days, but now, a new raindrop-driven solar panel is being developed for use on overcast days; this encouraging news comes from the Telegraph.
For those wishing to invest in renewable energy but concerned about the lack of sufficient sunlight to power the average house, the all-weather solar panels in Northern Ireland might be the perfect solution for the sunlight-challenged isle.
Photovoltaics such as those seen at are the close cousin of the solar panel. They are proving to be the most competitive clean energy supply option compared to coal, oil and gas.
Incredibly, 60 per cent of all global emissions are a result of energy use. We really do need to rethink the way in which we view our energy resources, and we must implement low-carbon technology as soon as possible.
The future of energy
Imagine all of our energy needs as part of a vast web of interconnected devices that will store, produce, or utilise energy. It’s already happening to some extent. New business models with innovative energy technologies will emerge soon.
Tesla’s innovative electric car, with its renewable energy source, is an example of a car that potentially acts as a mobile battery that will plug into the home, allowing its energy to be used for household power.
Our rooftop solar panels will be complemented by batteries inside the home, which feed energy back to the grid at minimal cost.
We need clean energy to power our everyday lives, from the cars we drive to the houses we heat, the food we cook, and the devices we use for communication. All of our interactions with our fellow beings are energy-driven.
Coal, oil and gas might continue as essential energy supplies for the time being, but being more circumspect with our energy use is the only way to reduce carbon emissions.
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