How to repair a crack in a concrete swimming pool? Step by step

How to repair a crack in a concrete swimming pool? Step by step

The concrete pools suffer movements because of the push of the water and the external earth. If we have a poorly constructed or ancient concrete pool, it is likely that over time, small fissures and cracks will appear and come out for the movement of the structure and we will have to carry out a repair. The pool can be covered with tile or with tiles, painted, etc. In this article, we show you how to repair a crack in a concrete swimming pool so as not to cause more problems in your pool.

How to repair a crack in a concrete swimming pool?

Follow each step correctly and use the materials indicated in this repair. Leave messages with the necessary questions, and I will answer you.

Step 1: Value the crack

First we must detect the crack or cracks and assess their magnitude since the repair will be one way or another. If you look at the photo you can see that this crack is important. It was growing due to the push of the heavier area of ​​the pool. This crack must be cleaned, reinforced, stapled and sealed correctly to prevent water from damaging the structure.

How to repair a crack in a concrete swimming pool

Step 2: Withdrawal of material

We began to remove the tile that is on the sides of the crack, removing 2 to 4 lines of tile tiles. We retire as we need to see the crack. Then with the help of an electric radial, we will mark the area of ​​the rule deepening from 2 to 4 cm to facilitate its breakage. Then we make a rule along the length of the crack and wedge-shaped deepening to 2 or 3 cm in the center of the crack.

We can help from a low power electric hammer to remove the material. It has to be deep so that between material about 2-3 cm. We have to get right to the concrete of the structure to work on it. You have to be very careful when performing this step with power tools.

Step 3: Area reinforcement

Depending on the type and magnitude of the cracks, we will have to staple (we recommend using stainless steel) or simply put a special mesh. If the crack is very important and severe, we will make some slits and holes to place the staples all along. It is advisable to place a staple every 12-15 cm of crack. This type of repair is stronger and guarantees.

Use 6-8 mm diameter stainless steel bar to build the staples. The measures of the staples will be 7-10 cm each pin that is inserted into the wall (depending on the width of the concrete wall to avoid traversing it) and from pin to pin that is 10-14 cm apart. These staples must remain inside the construction completely waterproofed. We will use a chemical block for your grip. It may be that the crack is in the structure of the bricks. In that case, the staples would not do anything. It is better to carry out the repair by placing a fiber mesh, although the bricks can be moved again over time and new cracks appear.

Step 4: Total zone cleaning

Now we must thoroughly clean the entire surface to remove the remains of dust and broken material. This way we get a better adherence and sticking of the materials that we will use in the repair of the crack. To perform this work we can help with a brush, brush or a pressurized air jet. The most advisable thing is to give a good hose with water and let it dry completely without puddles.

cleaning swimming pool

Step 5: Union bridge

Everything is already clean, but we still have to reinforce this broken area since it is an older material and would leave a very poor joint with the new material that we apply. In order for this new material to adhere well we will apply a bonding bridge primer in the entire area without skimping on small pores or holes and even overlapping the edge of the entire exterior break. Now let’s dry the union bridge. We will let dry a few minutes according to the manufacturer. We must not cause dirt or dust near it, as adhesion is damaged.

Step 6: Stapling the crack

It is very clear how the slits and holes should be so that the staples are placed below the finishing level. The chemical block sets quick from 20 to 25 Cº, it is important to have the staples and holes well measured and tested so as not to slow down the placement and waste the product. Insert the staples and let dry the time that the manufacturer says.

Step 7: Filling the cracks

Now depending on the type of structure that our concrete pool has, we must apply a repairing mortar or other filling. In case of making a crack directly in the concrete, we will use a special concrete repairman with a water-repellent additive. If there is a crack in the brick wall of the formwork, we will create “simple filling mortar” that is more economical. We add cement, water, sand, hydrophobic additive and lint fiber to reinforce it. Mix well and do it so that you can work in the crack without detaching.

At 5-10 minutes, when we check that the applied mortar is not too soft, we will clean the areas close to the tile of the crack to leave everything clean of cement before it dries completely. So we do not leave remains of the mortar protruding and bothering for the placement of the tile.

Step 8: Place new tile

Now we will replace the tile of the same model. We advise that the tile goes with mesh instead of paper. We also reinforce this area of ​​the wall or the floor depending on the crack. For first bonding, we should only use a special glue mortar for white pools.

In order for the repair to be effective on the inside and not noticeable on the outside, we must leave the cards aligned vertically and horizontally so as not to leave an ugly finish. We can use a rubber trowel to help us glue the tile and move it. We can use a metal trowel with great care not to break the chips when hitting. It is advisable that the adhesive mortar is mixed without lumps and that it does not hang from the wall. Then we must clean with a sponge the rest of the glue mortar that sticks out of the tile tiles. This is done so that there are no excesses and areas of ugly joints.

Join tile in swimming pool

Step 9: Join tile

Once the mixture is dry, we will cover all the joints. We will use a special flashing mortar for pools and tiles. There are several manufacturers that have a product of these characteristics and in various colors. We will use a rubber trowel to apply the mortar. The tile can also be grouted directly with the adhesive mortar, it is valid but its finish is lumpy.

We’ll let it dry. After the time indicated by the manufacturer for the cleaning of this product once applied, we will proceed to its removal and total cleaning. We will rub in circles with water and sponge but being careful not to squeeze a lot unless we take the mortar that will be in softer areas and empty the joints.


The products that we recommend you use are for the repair of a crack in a pool built with concrete and tiled with tile. You can ask for them in a store in your area that specializes in construction or renovation materials. We are not responsible for the results obtained with these tips and each one owns his responsibility if he follows these steps. If you do not know what to do, contact a professional.

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