Parables and proverbs from the Bible, are they still current in today’s modern world?

Parables and proverbs from the Bible, are they still current in today’s modern world?

With all our modern technology and Social Media influences, is there a real need to maybe go back to the days and times when The Bible was a huge source of influence and reference for millions of people. Maybe it’s naive to think that Parables and wise sayings could hold any influence on today’s generation. A parable is literally a short story from the Bible that encourages you to live your life in a truthful and more positive way, while following the teachings of Jesus.

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One well-known parable is the story of the wise man who built his house upon the rock whereas the foolish man built his house upon the sand.

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This parable is saying in no uncertain terms that to live a productive and successful life you must have the solid foundations of honesty, truth, respect, love, and forgiveness.  Build your life on these values and your life foundations will also be built upon a strong and impenetrable base. Just like a company who are specialist remediation contractors, such as   who could ensure any ground marked for building on has foundations that are clean and uncontaminated.  Most people also know the proverb, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”  Translated literally means that people should trust God, follow the teachings of Jesus, and not just do what they want.  I would like to think that these wise words are still relevant today.